About Us
Shackelford Masonry is a small, family-owned business. We specialize in small to medium projects. The majority of our work is building freestanding masonry structures, i.e.: posts, pillars, sign walls, entry walls, retaining walls and monuments. However, chimney and fireplace repairs, patios and sidewalks are also common projects. Over the years we have acquired an association with several up-scale home remodelers and contractors. These include pool contractors, fence companies, landscapers and sign companies. They are impressed with our ability to get in and out quickly and our understanding as to the importance of scheduling. Several years ago, in the midst of the restoration craze we were doing many tuck-pointing and renovation projects. In fact we were the only contractor to receive a 100% credit for restoration project.
In business since 1974, you may have seen out trucks around central Indiana. All of our men carry Nextel phones so that we have instant communication with our work crews. We keep business hours at our yard/office and a "real person" will answer the phone when you call. We prefer to operate turn-key, but will also do labor-only jobs. We can provide out own footings or build on yours. But no matter what the project, we clean our jobs sites every day.
In closing, we would like to express a sincere thank you for your time. We value our customers and hope to make you one of them.
Thank you again and we hope to hear from you soon.
In trust,
Steven & Bob Shackelford